
BBC Islamic Reflections, a new radio series, which is broadcast across 15 regional radio stations in the UK, including London, featured the story of MTO Covid-19 response and was accompanied by Zendeh Delan® music. This new series saw the first broadcast of the Adhan...

Throughout the lockdown, Zendeh Delan® reached out to a number of care homes across the UK as they faced prolonged periods of isolation. As part of the larger MTO Covid-19 response, Zendeh Delan® members played live music for care home residents. This was an opportunity to ...

On 4 June 2019 MTO Sufi Association and Forum 104 hosted a conference on Sufism.  Discussions about the origin of Sufism, the reality of knowledge and spiritual elevation were held at the conference. Additionally, practices in Sufism including both Tamarkoz® and zekr were shared. ...

The Zendeh Delan® members in France regularly play music for nursing home residents. These intimate concerts bring moments of joy and a message of love inspired by Sufi teachings to the elderly residents and the hardworking staff of l’EHPAD de Garches, la Villa d’Epidaure....

To celebrate the end of the year and the birth of Jesus Christ – we gathered with our Christian friends in Chapelle Notre-Dame des Anges in Paris. We shared the moment together as the Zendeh Delan® ensemble played Sufi music in celebration of this joyous occasion....

In celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Versailles neighborhood house, a Tamarkoz® workshop was organised. Invited by the City of Versailles, the Zendeh Delan® ensemble was delighted to participate in this celebration which attracted many residents of the city....

On 16 March 2017 Zendeh Delan® were invited to participate in an interfaith celebration on the occasion of Lent at the Chapel of Our Lady of the Angels. The faiths shared readings from scriptures and listened to the delightful music presented by the Zendeh Delan® ensemble....

The Universiteé Europeéne Assomptionniste invited Zendeh Delan® and MTO Sufi Association in France to share an evening of music and poetry. The evening, themed “when you only have love …” was hosted on 28 May 2016 in the historic Notre-Dame des Anges Chapel and saw musicians inspired by love, gather to...

The ensemble shared Sufi music with the attendees as well as discussed the Sufi perspective on ecology, through a definition given by Hazrat Mir Ghotbeddin Mohammad Angha, the 40th Sufi Master of MTO Shahmaghsoudi®, the School of Islamic Sufism.  The evening was an opportunity to converse with...

More than 150 guests of all faiths were invited to MTO Shahmaghsoudi® centre in France. Jewish, Christian and Islamic perspectives were shared in commemoration of the spring equinox. The symbolism of rebirth and the significance of the Haftsin for Norouz were presented by...
